El- Sisi's Al Khorraq Palace and Cenmar's compensation.. Written by Sara Mohani

سارة مهني تكتب.. خورنق السيسي و جزاء سنمار
يذكرني ما يفعله السيسي بمن حوله من رجاله الذين ساعدوه حتى تملّك من مصر بما فعله النعمان بن امرؤ القيس في القرن الرابع الميلادي حين اراد بناء قصر ضخم و قام بذلك مهندس من الروم يدعى سنمار و بعد اكتمال بناءه الذي استمر ستون عام اخبر سنمار النعمان بأن هناك "آجرة" لو زالت لسقط القصر كله، خاف النعمان ان احدا يعلم بذلك الأمر فما كان منه إلا أن ألقى سنمار من أعلى القصر، هكذا السيسي يفعل فأنه يلقي برجاله الذين ثبتوا اقدامه و ساندوه على امتلاك مصر و تكميم افواه معارضيه، التاريخ يقول أن الديكتاتوريون يتخلصون من رجالهم فور امتلاكهم القوة لكن لا احد يفهم او في الحقيقة لا احد يقرأ ليفهم و مع علمنا بمن هم حول السيسي يكفي لنعرف أنهم لا يفهمون و لا يقرأون الذين يساعدون ديكتاتور بوجه"بلياتشو"هم في الحقيقة مضُحكون للغاية، ف السيسي اهان وجه الديكتاتورية الصارم الذي يقتل و لا يبتسم و لا يبكي لكن السيسي يقتل و يخرج علينا في الفضائيات ليبكي ليس من عينيه فقط مثال يعد صارخ على الديكتاتورية المضحكة،  و اتسآل الآن هل السيسي سنمار لنعمان آخر ينتظر ان يكمل السيسي دوره في تثبيته ليلقي به في غياهب السجن أو يتخلص منه بطرق أخرى تم التخلص بها من اغلب الديكتاتوريون في العالم؟ هذا ما سنعرفه في الأيام القادمة

El- Sisi's Al Khorraq Palace and Cenmar's compensation

What El-Sis is doing to his men who have helped him to take control over Egypt, is reminding me of what Nu'man Ibn Amru Al-Qais did in the fourth century AD when he wanted to build a huge palace, which was done by a Roman engineer named Cenmar.  After the completion of the construction, which lasted sixty years. Cenmar told Al-Nu’man that there was a brick, if it was removed, the entire Al Khorraq Palace would be collapsed. Al-Nu'man was afraid that anyone would know about that, for that reason he threw Cenmar from the top of the palace to keep it secret. and that what El-Sisi is doing now e casts his men, who helped him to take control over Egypt, into hell, not to mention they helped him to muzzle his opponents.
History says that the dictators get rid of their men once they have the full power but no one understands, in fact, no one reads to understand. We all know enough that El-Sisi's men don't either understand or read the situation. Those people who help dictators, they are as funny as clowns. El- Sisi humiliated the strict face of dictatorship that kills, and not either smiles or cries. Nevertheless, El-Sisi kills and comes out on the TV to cry not only from his eyes, which is a clear example of the ridiculous dictatorship.

And I wonder whether El-Sisi is Cenmar to another expected Nu'man who is waiting for El-Sisi to complete his role, then throw him in jail or get rid of him in other ways that have been used by other dictators in the world that what will know in the coming days?
Al Khorraq Palace: is the palace was in the realms of Iraq is believed to have been present near the so-called now hand Obossjer southern Iraq, built Nu’man bin man measuring in the fourth century AD.

Al-Nu'man I ibn Imru' al-Qays (Arabic: النعمان بن امرؤ القيس‎), surnamed al-A'war (الأعور, "the one-eyed") and al-Sa'ih (السائح, "the wanderer/ascetic"), was the king of the Lakhmid Arabs (reigned ca. 390–418[1]).

Nu'man: was the son of Imru' al-Qays II ibn 'Amr and followed his father on the throne. He is best known for his construction of two magnificent palaces, the Khawarnaq and Sadir

Cenmar or Cinimmar: (pronounced "Seminar" in Arabic: سنمار) was a Byzantine [1][2] architect who was requested by the Lakhmid king to build the most beautiful palace of the Sasanian Empire.
After 20 years, Cenmar finished building the palace, named Khawarnaq (Arabic: الخورنق)

Written by: Sara Mahani
Translated by: Alan Aladdin M.E Jacob
